Shema Reimagined
April 28, 2019 • AJ Sherrill
In every stage of our formation journey we must awaken to engage all dimensions of our being. This core truth—rooted in the sacred text from Deuteronomy 6v4—guided the ancient Israelites, and is just as imperative for us to apply to our formation today.
Worship: An Adventure in Reality
February 24, 2019 • Daena Dooley
In an age of entertainment & skepticism, where we have been culturally conditioned to simply consume, how do we cultivate biblical habits of worship? This week is an exploration of public & private praise and the ways in which we experience an eternal reality through worship.
The Story We Crave
December 30, 2018 • Collin Mayjack
To be human is to have longings. We long for transcendence, for beauty, for love, and for a story in which we belong; and everyone finds a story to satisfy explain the longings and the world we find ourselves in. Yet, the way of Jesus presents us with the most compelling story of what it means to be human.
Dreams: God’s Night Parables
May 20, 2018 • Jeannine Rodriguez-Everard
Does God still use dreams to speak to us? As strange and bizarre as they seem at times? The bible is full of examples where God has used dreams to speak to his people. Guest speaker Jeannine Rodriguez-Everard uses these stories to lay out a biblical theology of dreams as well as an intro to interpretation.
The Journey of Faith
May 6, 2018 • Pete Hughes
The journey of great faith often begins with what guest speaker, Pete Hughes, calls a threshold moment. The point where you are standing in between what you can control and what God is calling you into. How do we know when to step out? How do we follow God into the unknown?
Easter: Groaning in Hope
April 1, 2018 • John Mark Comer
Every day we hear two clashing narratives: 1. The world is coming apart at the seams. Or: 2. Welcome to utopia. Both have data to back up their point. But both fall short of reality. In Romans 8, Paul tells a third story about one world that is dying off, and another that is coming to birth. His metaphor for the felt-experience of life this side of our resurrection is that of birth pangs.
Cosmic Collision
February 11, 2018 • Chris Wienand
Guest teacher Chris Wienand explores Matthew 4 with a specific focus on the tactics of satan. Understanding the way our enemy operates can help us to press further in to the protection of our community and our Savior, Jesus.
Blessing a Move of God
August 6, 2017 • Alex Rettmann
What does it look like for God to move? How do we bless what he is already up to in our place and time? Maybe even more important is how do we encourage God to move among us? Join us as Alex Rettmann looks at three key things for the family of God to do to bless his movement.
Has The World Gone Mad?
May 4, 2017 • John Mark Comer & Mark Sayers
We are reeling from the moral decay and social disorder that has been exposed in the world. Are we experiencing something new in an age of self-discovery and godlessness? John Mark Comer interviews teacher and author Mark Sayers on the social, political, and religious climate of our progressive culture and what role the church should fulfill as we move forward.
Worship & The Holy Spirit
April 23, 2017 • Nick Drake
From the final day of the Holy Spirit Conference 2017. Guest speaker Nick Drake teaches on the significance of singing together in worship and how that relates to the fullness of the Spirit and what God wants to do in us and through us.
Hope Like Nothing the World had Ever Seen
April 16, 2017 • John Mark Comer
For more and more people in our city, the story of secularism just isn’t working. There’s a hopelessness to the cold, hard story of the modern world. Yet still, our society is haunted by the memory of another story, one full of meaning and purpose. The resurrection of Jesus changed the narrative arc of human history, and infused hope into the world. It’s time we recover this ancient story and base our lives around its reality.
Moving from the Fear of Man into Freedom
January 1, 2017 • Alex Rettmann
The fear of man is a deadly thing. It can keep us rooted in insecurity and powerlessness. So, how do we move from fear to freedom? In this teaching, we discuss how God calls us to live for Him and how to identify and release ourselves from the fear of man.
A Pastoral Word on the Election
November 13, 2016 • John Mark Comer
We are reeling from the moral decay and social disorder in our nation that has been exposed by this election. It has revealed a deep pain in our country and in our city. People are scared. People are angry. People are hurting. Now, more than ever, is the time for followers of Jesus to be makers of peace. Listen to a pastoral word on the recent presidential election.