Lecture: Part 4: Women & Eldership — Threats & Invitations
August 30, 2023 • Tyler Staton, Bethany Allen, Gavin Bennet
Listen to a midweek lecture with Tyler Staton, Bethany Allen, & Gavin Bennett as they go over Bridgetown's position on women in eldership.
Lecture: Part 3: Women & Eldership — A Closer Look at The Four Pillars
August 30, 2023 • Tyler Staton
Listen to a midweek lecture with Tyler Staton as he goes over Bridgetown's position on women in eldership.
Lecture: Part 2: Women & Eldership — What Does This Mean For Me?
August 23, 2023 • Tyler Staton
Listen to a midweek lecture with Tyler Staton as he goes over Bridgetown's position on women in eldership.
Lecture: Part 1: Women & Eldership — What Is Our Position?
August 23, 2023 • Tyler Staton
Listen to a midweek lecture with Tyler Staton as he goes over Bridgetown's position on women in eldership.
Q&R: Deconstruction & Reconstruction
June 28, 2023 • Josh Porter & Tyler Staton
Listen to a Q&R with Josh Porter of Van City Church and Tyler Staton focused on deconstruction, and how we can reclaim faithfulness as an act of rebellion.
Lecture: Deconstruction & Reconstruction
June 28, 2023 • Josh Porter
Listen to a midweek lecture with Josh Porter of Van City Church focused on deconstruction, and how we can reclaim faithfulness as an act of rebellion.
Finding Yourself in the Story
May 21, 2023 • Tyler Staton & Pete Hughes
Listen to a special gathering with Tyler Staton & Pete Hughes of KXC to learn about the Bridgetown Story, what the Spirit is doing at Bridgetown, and how each of us can find ourselves in the story of what God is doing.
Resources for the Healing Journey
March 22, 2022 • Bethany Allen & Gerald Griffin
We are in a season where many are sensing an invitation to greater healing. With that, we wanted to provide a few resources, as well as some best practices, in taking the next step toward that invitation.
May 23, 2021 • Tyler Staton
Recovering a holy imagination by seeing Pentecost from the final scene of Acts. What does the power of the Holy Spirit mean for a church under house arrest?
Prayer Training
May 19, 2021 • Tyler Staton
As followers of Jesus, we believe that God speaks to each of us today through words of encouragement and prophecy. We want to be people who are equipped to step into prophetic ministry over others, making more space for the Spirit of God to move.
Walking with God in a time of Chaos
January 17, 2021 • Jon Tyson
What does it look like to walk with God in a time like ours? How can we experience intimacy with God, discern his work, and contend for his purposes in a time of distraction and discouragement? Jon Tyson shares tangible ways to walk with God in our everyday lives in these extraordinary times.
A Prayer for Election Day
November 3, 2020 • John Mark Comer
Listen to a short pastoral word, the reading of a Psalm, and a moment of prayer for the peace and prosperity of our nation during this Election Day.
Reflections on Anger with Tristen Collins
October 29, 2020 • Tristen Collins
Listen to a discussion from Tristen Collins, author of "Why Emotions Matter," on how to prepare for what could be a difficult end to an already long year. Emotions are important, and we want followers of Jesus to consider how to respond when feelings run high.
Building Dedication Sunday
September 13, 2020 • John Mark Comer & Guests
For years, we have been searching and praying for a building that Bridgetown Church could call home. Now we are excited to celebrate all the work that has been accomplished, both in building renovations and your faithful generosity. Listen as church leaders from around our city speak into the life and future of Bridgetown and pray a blessing over us.
Hope at Christmas
December 22, 2019 • Bethany Allen
At Christmas, apprentices of Jesus celebrate his first coming. We tell the story of the manger; a story we know well. But often it is that reality that keeps us from truly experiencing its message. The story of the manger is about much more than a baby being born; it is a story of promises fulfilled, darkness being overcome, and peace having the final word.
The Heart of a Disciple
September 8, 2019 • Alex Rettmann
What does the heart of a disciple look like? It is the heart to die to self and leave the resurrection up to God. Jesus not only lives this lifestyle but teaches us to have it by giving us the metaphor of pruning and producing fruit in John 15. It is God's desire that we bear fruit, as he is glorified by it and heaven comes through it.
Interview with Mike Pilavachi
May 8, 2019 • Gerald Griffin & Mike Pilavachi
We sit down to talk Holy Spirit with Mike Pilavachi from Soul Survivor in Watford, UK.