

Bread Devotional

Thank you for your interest in obtaining a copy of the Bread Devotional.

You can purchase Bread 2025 for $15 online from Amazon here: Bread 2025

Park Hill Church in San Diego is offering their own version of Bread (different reading plan from Bridgetown) available as a free PDF here: 

KXC in London is also offering a digital copy of their version of Bread (different reading plan from Park Hill & Bridgetown) here:


Come gather with us on a Sunday and introduce yourself to our leaders and staff. We would love to meet you. Gathering times and locations, as well as other helpful details, are available on our gathering pages.

Spiritual Formation

We believe that following Jesus is an entire life’s pursuit. Learn more about our vision for being apprentices of Jesus in the chaos of our modern, digital world.


We host a number of events throughout the year like prayer rooms, worship nights, retreats, Christmas Eve gatherings, and gatherings specific to stage of life and demographic such as kids, youth, men, and women.


If you consider Bridgetown your home church and attend in-person, you can find opportunities to serve and apply to serve here:


For questions related to a specific department or staff member, please reach out to the appropriate person directly by locating their email on our staff page.


For recordings from our current and past teaching series, visit our teaching page. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide transcripts for teachings.


You can find our statement of belief, including a statement on women in leadership and sexuality, on our about page.

Practicing the Way & John Mark Comer

John Mark has officially transitioned off the staff here at Bridgetown to launch Practicing the Way as a nonprofit serving the global church. As a result, we no longer have a direct line to him. Please see the following options for connecting with John Mark and the Practicing the Way Team:

  • For information about upcoming about Practicing the Way events and courses please visit

  • To send messages to John Mark please reach out to

  • For speaking + podcast requests please fill out John Mark’s Speaking Request Form

  • For book endorsement requests please fill out John Mark’s Book Endorsement Request Form

Recommended Churches

There are many wonderful churches all over the world practicing the way of Jesus in their cities. The following are churches with which we have personal relationships and know the leadership. If you do not see the location you’re looking for below, we encourage you to reach out to churches in your area directly with any questions, concerns, or information you might be looking for, and visit in person if you can!

  • Oregon – Saint’s Hill (Newberg), Riverbend (Bend), 26 West (Hillsboro)

  • Washington – Van City (Vancouver), Soma Spokane

  • California – Reality San Francisco, Park Hill Church (San Diego), Garden Church (Long Beach), Vintage Church LA, Genesis (Costa Mesa)

  • Massachusetts – The Table (Boston)

  • North Carolina – Emmaus (Raleigh)

  • New York – Oaks Church Brooklyn, Church of the City (Manhattan), New Life Fellowship (Queens)

  • U.K. – KXC (Kings Cross Church, London)

  • Australia – Red Church Melbourne


The bookstore is open on Sundays at each gathering and for some special events. We do not ship books directly from the Bridgetown Bookstore. However, our recommended books are available for purchase and shipping through third parties such as Powell’s Books and Amazon. We are currently working on relaunching our online bookstore.


Visit our Recommended Counselors page or His Heart Foundation to find resources for counseling and mental health.

Bridgetown Community

If you are interested in joining a Community or becoming a Community leader at Bridgetown please check out our Community page. For further questions, please reach out to our Pastors of Community at

Jobs & Internships

We do not offer internships but any current employment opportunities will be listed on our jobs page.


For more info on our current justice partnerships, Racial Justice Committee, justice events, justice resources, and more, visit our Justice page.

Rentals & Roommates

We often refer people to different Facebook groups to find housing with other followers of Jesus – Roomies For Christ and Door of Hope Community.

Deliverance Ministry

If you are not at Bridgetown, but are looking for someone to pray with you or talk more about deliverance, we would highly recommend checking out Christian Healing Ministries, with whom you can schedule an online appointment. You are also welcome to email them on their site to ask if they have or know of any trained people in your area.

If you are interested in learning more about deliverance ministry, we recommend Jon Thompson’s book, Deliverance.
We also recommend Jon Thompson’s Deliverance Workshop (teachings 9 – 11).

If you are a part of Bridgetown Church and are looking for someone to pray with you or talk more about deliverance, please reach out to one of our pastors to share your experience and request prayer.

Sunday Production & Technology

  • Cameras – We use 3 Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6k Pros with Sigma lenses. One is a tight shot, one is wide, and the other is our mobile stage camera.

  • Backdrop – Our white backdrop is acoustic paneling covered in seamless, white fabric. The lighting on the floor is a fixture designed to wash walls with light.

  • Drum Shield — We built our drum shield with plexiglass panels, brackets, and a generic stage riser. We found a local supplier and bought a few 4’ wide plexiglass panels that are 1/2” thick. We engineered brackets to attach the panels to the stage and to attach the panels to each other.

    We made our own 4’ x 8’ acoustic panels that rest on the top of the plexi. But you can use the classic clear sonic lid pack or any combination of poles/unistrut and 2” thick acoustic panels. 

    There is a company called Octane AVL that builds and sells custom shields similar to ours, but building our own was much more cost effective.