Gather with us on Sundays

Sunday gatherings are the primary way we gather as a church to worship together, learn from Scripture, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit. Everyone is welcome.
Gather with us
on Sundays
9 AM, 11 AM, & 5 PM
2120 NE Tillamook St.
Portland, OR 97212
Parking for families and first time guests is available in each of our parking lots, located on NE 21st and NE Tillamook. Street parking is available in the neighborhood. Please be very respectful of our neighbors and do not block any parts of driveways or move trash cans or other barriers. Parking with portions of your vehicle over driveway entrances, yellow lines, or in designated no parking zones could result in fines from the city.
& Biking
Bus routes run along NE Broadway and NE Weidler St. with an eastbound stop on 21st Ave and westbound stop on 24th Ave. Bridgetown is located along the neighborhood greenway of Tillamook St. and bike racks are available near the front doors of the building.

Gather as
the family
of God
Come early to the Sunday gatherings for a time of prayer. All are welcome and as we respond to the leading of the Spirit and pray for our leaders, teachers, servants, and gatherings.
Date: Sundays
Time: 8 AM & 4 PM
Location: Hospitality Room