The starting point for all significant works of God is prayer. It is here that we have an opportunity to interact with the Spirit of God and participate in the redemption of our city and the healing in our lives. Prayer is available at our Sunday gatherings following the teaching. Everyone is welcome.

Dwell with the
Spirit of God
Daily Prayer
In the Hebrew and early Christian tradition there has always been a daily prayer rhythm to pause and pray - morning, midday, and evening. We see this in the life of Jesus and with the apostles in the early church. We want to recover this historic practice. Partner with us by praying this rhythm each day wherever you are.

Seek the peace
of our city
Prayer leads
to justice
We want to become our prayers. As we pray God’s Kingdom come and his will to be done, we must partner in the work through justice. In every way that God is working for the good within us, we want to become active contributors for the good of others.