Annual Report 2024

In Portland as it is in Heaven
Church Family,
It has been a momentous year in the life of our church that we believe will bear fruit for years to come. In the last year, we renovated our building, multiplying our ability to care for families and disciple kids exponentially. We started a midweek youth gathering for middle and high school students and welcomed a new youth pastor to our team. We saw a number of adults come to Christ through Alpha and created the Covenant Community, making available a deeper and more robust level of spiritual formation. We welcomed a record number of people through Basics and currently host more Bridgetown Communities throughout Portland than at any other time in our church’s history. On top of this, 90% of our Communities, or 1,350 individuals, are now spending time in proximity to the marginalized in our city through monthy service. Much of this is focusing on the discipleship that has transpired outside of Sundays. When it comes to our weekend gatherings, since moving our evening gathering to our Eastside building we have witnessed an infusion of life and growth. All to say, this has been a banner year for greater depth of spiritual maturity in the life of our community.
Finally, I (Tyler) cannot fail to mention what a tumultuous but formative year this was for me, personally. Following an unexpected and very severe cancer diagnosis, I received so much love, support, and grace throughout chemotherapy treatment. I have never felt so cared for by a congregation. Thank you for being family to me, Kirsten, Hank, Simon, and Amos. I am deeply grateful to call Bridgetown home.
Grace and Peace,
Tyler Staton
Lead Pastor, on behalf of the Elder Board
Garth Shinn
Board Chair, on behalf of the Board of Directors