Self-Denial in an Age of Self-Fulfillment
Dec 16, 2018 • John Mark Comer
At the center of the way of Jesus is a symbol: the cross. Yet all too often we see it as a sentimental song or piece of jewelry, rather than a way of life. The way to resurrection life has always been through Golgotha death. Self-denial is the entry point to the life of Jesus.
The Way of the World
Dec 9, 2018 • John Mark Comer
Much of what our generation calls “culture,” Jesus and the writers of the Bible call “the world” – a system of ideas, values, practices and social norms that are institutionalized into a culture that is organized around rebellion against God and the redefinition of good and evil. How do we keep from getting assimilated by the world?
The Slavery of Freedom: Part 2
Dec 2, 2018 • John Mark Comer
In this follow up message on the flesh, we dive deep into the fields of psychology, philosophy, and theology, to see how they add color to Paul’s teaching in Galatians on the law of returns. Our acts and habits of mind and body either sow to the flesh, and reap slavery to sin and death, or the spirit, and yield a character and destiny of life and freedom.
The Slavery of Freedom: Part 1
Nov 18, 2018 • John Mark Comer
In this teaching we lay out a Biblical theology of the flesh; this animalistic, primal drive in all of us, that wars against the Spirit in our heart. We talk Augustine, Freud, evolutionary psychology, coyotes, and the radical redefinition of freedom and slavery in the West
Footholds vs Faithfulness
Nov 11, 2018 • Bethany Allen
The Devil doesn’t overpower or coerce us with his lies, instead he utilizes the seductive allure of influence. The authors of the Scriptures call this “giving the Devil a foothold.” As apprentices of Jesus, how should we navigate our life and relationships without opening ourselves to the pull of the enemy?
God of Evil
Nov 4, 2018 • Joshua Porter
Our lives and the world around us are often riddled with all kinds of evil, injustice, and suffering. Is God ever to blame, or is the devil capable of more than just lying? How do we, as apprentices of Jesus, learn to identify the work of the evil one with confidence?
The Man Who Silenced Satan
Oct 28, 2018 • Sarah Deutscher
Guest speaker, Sarah Deutscher from Red Church in Melbourne, unpacks the humanity of Jesus, the devil’s tactics and how we can follow Jesus in spiritual warfare.
The Devil’s Disinformation Campaign
Oct 21, 2018 • Mark Sayers
In this teaching, guest speaker Mark Sayers joins us from Red Church in Melbourne, Australia to unpack what the Scriptures mean by “Elemental Forces.”
God, the “gods”, and the Spiritual Backdrop of the Bible
Oct 14, 2018 • John Mark Comer & Dr. Tim Mackie
What is the spiritual realm? Listen to an interview with Dr. Tim Mackie about the spiritual realm that exists all around us as described by the authors of the Bible.
The Truth About Lies: Part 2
Oct 7, 2018 • John Mark Comer
For Jesus, the devil’s primary strategy to ruin the soul and society isn’t what most of us expect. It’s lies. More specifically, it’s deceptive ideas that play to disordered desires that are normalized in a sinful society. In this teaching, we explore how we are transformed by Spirit and truth, and deformed by isolation and lies. And we look to Jesus’ example of spiritual disciplines as spiritual warfare.
The Truth About Lies: Part 1
Sept 30, 2018 • John Mark Comer
The modern, secular world laughs off the idea of the devil as a relic from the pre-scientific age. “Now we know better” is the mantra of the progressive west. And yet, secular theories that attempt to explain evil fall flat of the human experience. For Jesus, there is an invisible but intelligent evil at work in the world, but his primary strategy isn’t what most of us expect. It’s lies. Fighting the devil is first and foremost about the war to believe truth over lies.