Series Overview
Lent is a 40-day season within the church calendar that stretches from Ash Wednesday (March 5) to Easter Sunday (April 20), mirroring Jesus’ 40-day fast in the desert. This year, we want God to use the 40 days of Lent to help us reclaim our first love.
Community Guides
Follow along with the Bridgetown Community Guides for this series.
A practice of Renunciation invites us to reclaim our first love by focusing on what God freely offers, allowing us to enjoy lesser loves without attachment.
For this guide, we will reflect on our practice of Renunciation through the lens of Jesus’ letter to the church of Smyrna, in which he calls them to faithfulness in the face of difficulty.
For this guide, we will reflect on Jesus’ letter to the church in Pergamum, where believers faced massive pressure to compromise their beliefs to fit into the culture around them.
For this guide, we will reflect on Jesus’ letter to the church of Thyatira, in which he calls them to reject prominent false teachings and to return to Jesus’ vision for the good life.
Recommended Reading
Discipleship on the Edge
Darrell Johnson
Reversed Thunder
Eugene Peterson
Revelation for Everyone
N.T. Wright