Community Commitments

Active Participation in Your Own Spiritual Formation

  • Working to regularly integrate and deepen the basic Practices of Jesus and life in the Holy Spirit: Bible reading, prayer, silence and solitude, sabbath, church gatherings, community, emotional health, and generosity

  • Integrating Bridgetown’s Daily Prayer Rhythm into your life (

Active Participation in Bridgetown Church

  • Regular attendance and involvement in the Sunday gatherings

  • Agreement to and engagement with historic biblical orthodoxy (

  • Living under the authority of the Scriptures and the Bridgetown Elders

Active Participation in Your Community

  • Regular Community attendance unless you’re out of town, sick, or there is an unforeseen, unavoidable circumstance

  • Engagement in the three-part rhythm of Community life: discipleship, family, and mission

  • Being present with each other (e.g. no phones, engaging honestly in discussion, etc.)

  • Sharing responsibilities (e.g. food, clean up, personal needs that arise, praying together, etc.)

  • Phone call to the Community Leader at least 24 hours in advance for any absence

Active Participation in Portland

  • Involvement in your Community’s monthly justice initiative

  • Praying for your part of Portland (e.g. for salvation, restoration, etc.)