Child Dedication Guide
A Note For Leaders: Preparing for a Child Dedication
The following Guide has been written to help a Bridgetown Community facilitate the dedication of a child in their Community. Typically, a Child Dedication is most common for a family welcoming a new child in the last year or so, but feel free to adapt it however.
Help the parents prepare.
Share the following Guide with the child’s parents ahead of time, so that they can prayerfully prepare and read through the commitments they will be asked to make. Create space for them to ask any questions they may have.
While any guests the parents invite don’t have to be Christians, it may be a good idea for the parents to make sure they know that this celebration is faith-based.
Work together to pick a time and place for this celebration. It could be your Community night, a Sunday gathering at a park, or a Saturday morning in their home.
Invite the Community to pray in advance. During the Blessing section, your Community will have a chance to share what they sense the Spirit is speaking over the family. Make sure they know the week before, so that they can be praying and listening throughout the week.
Plan to celebrate! While parents are taking a serious commitment to the discipleship of their child and your Community to partnership with the parents, remember that the mood of the event should be celebratory. It should feel almost like a wedding reception! You are celebrating the love the parents have for their child and blessing the child’s future. Be sure to enlist some in your Community ahead of time to prepare something celebratory for the family: cupcakes, a toast, or have a special meal together. The options are endless!
Prepare yourself. The following Guide is written in a way that it can be read word-for-word during the dedication. Make sure that you’ve read through it a few times and familiarized yourself with its contents. And since there are parts others need to read, make sure you have the link handy to share with everyone participating.
Read This Overview
A Child Dedication is a moment to honor and celebrate new life in our Bridgetown Community. In doing this practice, we thank God for the children among us, affirm their value as God’s image bearers, and welcome them into our family.
We will journey through three movements together: Commitments & Dedication, Blessing, and Celebration. First, both the parents and Community will make commitments towards the care, support, and discipleship of this child. Then, we will read a short blessing over the family and share what we sensed as we prayed for them over this last week. Lastly, but certainly not least, our time together will culminate with a big celebration as a way to mark this moment in the life of our Community and honor this child’s presence among us.
Commitments & Dedication
While the primary function of this practice is the blessing and dedication of the child, Child Dedication is also a moment for parents to commit, in the presence of Christian community, to the ongoing work of discipleship in their home, namely by raising their kids in the way of Jesus. Through this practice, parents are publicly aligning themselves with the wisdom of the book of Proverbs, which says “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” (22v6).
After the commitment of the parents, we, as a Community, will commit to partner in helping them with this task. Once both commitments are made, the parents will dedicate the child.
Commitment of the Parents
Leader: [Parent’s Names], do you affirm [Child’s Name] as an image bearer of God and receive [him/her] as a gift from God?
Parents: We do.
Leader: Do you freely desire to dedicate [Child’s Name] to God, in the presence of these people, in thankfulness, humility, and love?
Parents: We do.
Leader: Do you commit to provide for [his/her] physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs to the best of your ability, and by doing so modeling the sacrificial love of Jesus towards [him/her]?
Parents: We do.
Leader: Do you commit to raise [Child’s name] in the way of Jesus, to model the practices of Jesus in your home, to surround [him/her] with Christian community, to pray for [him/her], and to pursue [his/her] transformation into Christlikeness above all else?
Parents: We do.
Leader: Do you commit to order your family: your time, your commitments, your relationships, your finances, and your values around the way of Jesus, in all things yielding to the authority of the Father and listening to the Spirit as you parent, and in doing so maintain rich spiritual soil for [Child’s name] to grow an authentic and resilient faith in Jesus?
Parents: We do.
Commitment of the Community
As the Community that surrounds this beloved family, you are now invited to make the following commitments to them, as brothers and sisters.
Leader: Do you commit to pray for, encourage, and support [Parent’s names] as they seek to lead their family in the way of Jesus?
Community: We do.
Leader: Do you commit to doing life with this family, taking communion with them, serving one another, sharing resources as needed, pursuing unity, and practicing the way of Jesus? And, as you do, modeling mature, Christian community to [Child’s Name] as they grow?
Community: We do.
Leader: Do you commit, as brothers and sisters, to continually and lovingly welcome [Child's name] into the family of God and affirm their significance in the Kingdom of God, so that they never doubt their belonging amongst His people?
Community: We do.
Dedication of the Child
Child’s Parents: We, your parents, in the presence of community, dedicate you, [Child’s Name], to God, surrendering all of our worldly control, dreams, and claims on your life for the greater hope that you might know the fullness of God’s love for you, be united with God in Christ, and one day see him face to face and reign with Him forever.
To honor these commitments, let us bless and commission them in this good work. Let us also bless the child, as an image bearer and as our [brother/sister] in God’s family.
Blessing Liturgy
[Parent’s Names], be blessed with the knowledge that the Creator of all will go before you and your children all the days of your life and theirs. And be blessed with an ever-increasing awareness of God’s presence as you nurture His beloved one, trusting that He who is beginning a good work in them, will carry it to completion.
We bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
[Child’s Name], you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of all. Since the beginning of time, you have been known by Him. He is familiar with who you are and who you are becoming. May you grow to love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. May his presence go with you all the days of your life.
We bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Blessing Prayer
This week, we were invited to pray on our own and listen to the Holy Spirit on behalf of this family. Let’s take a few minutes to share any sense we have of what God may be speaking. After a few of us share, we’ll lay hands on the family and pray out loud, altogether for them.
To end, let’s celebrate the commitments made today and rejoice in the gift of new life in our Community.