Calling Bridgetown Visual Artists & Writers


Artists needed for our October 24-7 Prayer Room

We are seeking visual artists and writers from within Bridgetown Church to create 2-D art, writing or photography for a temporary installation for the next round of our 24-7 Prayer Room taking place Oct 2 - 31.  The vision of this series is to use creative expression as an additional means of worship within the Prayer Room space and artistically emphasize the Spirit's movements within the church. We want to keep the artistic voice vast and open to the ultimate Creator -- what is God doing in you and through you or the Church? How is that visually displayed?


Themes for creating

Some common themes and inspiration we are seeing within Bridgetown are:

  • Prayer & God’s presence

  • Justice, mercy, & reconciliation

  • Stepping into a greater awareness of the Spirit's movement

  • Playfulness, messiness, childlikeness

  • Healing, both emotional and physical

  • In Portland as it is in Heaven

  • River or tree imagery

  • Call to greater holiness

  • Community & church family, belonging

  • Anything you sense the Spirit might be sharing with you for Bridgetown Church

We encourage creativity and personalization of these loose prompts -- how do these personally resonate with your walk or the Church body? 

You are welcome to submit multiple. Get creative. Get messy. 

Children’s art and interpretation is very welcome as well.

Submission details

Dimensions: No size constraints. We do ask that hangable canvas or framable paper be used, though there is margin to break the bounds if needed. 

Mediums: Artist's preference. If your medium is writing, we still ask that you submit a printed, hangable copy of your writing.

Submission deadline: Sunday, Sep 24

Art drop-off deadline: Wednesday, Sep 27

Please submit images, titles, artist name, and descriptions for consideration by Sun, Sep 24. If selected, be prepared to drop your piece off at Bridgetown Church’s Eastside location (2120 NE Tillamook St, Portland, OR 97212) no later than Weds, Sep 27. You will be notified via email to come collect your art after our 24-7 Prayer Room concludes on Oct 31.

Bridgetown’s office hours are 9 AM - 5 PM, Sun - Thurs.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and submissions! We look forward to seeing what you create and how the Spirit uses art and creativity in our church family this round of the 24-7 Prayer Room.


Please email us with any questions.