Prayer Hubs
& Justice


Pray together
for our city

What are Prayer Hubs?

As part of the Daily Prayer Rhythm, we are hosting Prayer Hubs all across Portland to pray each morning. Prayer leads to justice, so with much anticipation we are revealing that each Prayer Hub location was chosen for its historical significance as a place of pain and injustice in our city. Find a Prayer Hub location near your home or a time that works within your morning schedule. Visit one or all of these Hubs and participate in this work of prayer for our city.

Last updated: Oct 16, 2022

  • Legacy Emanuel

    Black-owned homes were demolished, disrupting family wealth for generations.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 6:30 AM
    Location: Meet at Knott St between Vancouver Ave and Williams in the grassy area.

  • Expo Center

    People with Japanese heritage were forced into interment camps, enduring inhuman treatment.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 8 AM
    Location: Meet at Voices of Remembrance Memorial next to Max station (1930 N Expo Rd, Portland, OR)

  • Delta Park

    Flooding displaced People of Color who were forced to reside in unsafe housing due to discriminatory policy.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 7 AM
    Location: Meet at Victory Blvd along the south edge of Force Lake

  • NE 82nd & Sandy

    Women and children are coerced and trafficked into prostitution, most noticeably along 82nd Ave.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 9 AM
    Location: Meet in parking lot of Howard Johnson Inn (8247 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR)

  • Rockwood

    A neglected neighborhood known for families who have been gentrified from their homes.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 9 AM
    Location: Meet at CDC Center (18901 E Burnside St, Portland, OR)

  • Laurelhurst

    The Laurelhurst Deed Restriction prohibited People of Color from owning or occupying property.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 8 AM
    Location: Meet in front of Rose Church / Old Laurelhurst Church (3212 SE Ankeny St, Portland, OR)

  • Mount Tabor

    An iconic city park, known for satanic rituals, sacrifices, and occult activity.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 8 AM
    Location: Meet at Reservoir Gate. Enter from west entrance at 60th and Salmon St.

  • Pioneer Courthouse

    The justice system of Multnomah County has a history of racism, corruption, and violence.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 7 AM
    Location: Meet just across from Courthouse in the square (701 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR)

  • NW 25th & Lovejoy

    The Lovejoy Surgicenter has been the focus of much conflict, where abortions were provided for decades.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 7 AM
    Location: Meet on corner of NW 25th & Lovejoy (933 NW 25th Ave, Portland, OR)

  • Irvington

    Housing covenants and zoning restrictions prohibited People of Color from owning or occupying property.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 6 AM
    Location: Meet in the Bridgetown parking lot off of NE 21st Ave (2120 NE Tillamook St, Portland, OR)

  • Council Crest

    Considered the highest point in the city where Indigenous Peoples met for local councils and gatherings.

    Dates: Tuesdays, Sept 27-Nov 15
    Time: 7 AM
    Location: Meet in paved round at top (1120 SW Council Crest Dr, Portland, OR)